A list of the contents of this article:
- 1 、How to cook noodle steamed buns?
- 2 、How to cook Henan oil steamed bun?
- 3 、Soup noodle steamed bun practice, soup noodle steamed bun how to cook delicious, soup noodle steamed bun home
- 4 、How to make delicious oil bun? the usual home practice of hot noodle oil bun.
- 5 、The practice of hot noodle oil bun
- 6 、The practice of ironing noodles and burning bun
How to cook noodle steamed buns?
Prepare ingredients: buckwheat flour, wheat flour, flaxseed powder, eggs, baking powder and so on. Put all the ingredients in the basin. Use warm water and noodles. Put the kneaded dough in a pressure cooker, put some warm water underneath, cover the pot and wait for fermentation. Take out the dough after an hour. Make the steamed bread in the shape, put it in the pot and wait for 20 minutes before steaming. Turn off the fire in about 20 minutes.
First of all, put buckwheat flour, yeast water and white sugar into the toaster and knead into a smooth dough. If you don't have a toaster, you can knead the dough by hand. After that, put the kneaded buckwheat dough into a container, cover the cling film and ferment to 2 times the size. Press it with your hand and do not rebound to indicate that the fermentation is ready. Then take out the fermented buckwheat dough and rub it to vent the stomata.
Prepare to ferment. Fermented dough:-the mixed noodles are still placed in a basin and covered with a lid to ferment. It can also be fermented in a hot water steamer (do not heat it). The warm temperature is suitable for fermentation. -it will be fine after about 1 hour. I am looking at the volume of the dough, which is about twice the size and softer than before fermentation. Dough exhaust:-knead the fermented dough and exhaust. -divide into small dough. The size is random.
How to cook Henan oil steamed bun?
Knead two cups of flour with a cup of water and 3 grams of yeast to form dough; ferment to twice the size at room temperature; knead the dough well; sprinkle a little dry flour on the panel and roll the dough into thin slices; sprinkle with chopped onions, five-spice powder and a little salt; roll it up, cut it into a uniform roll and press it into a 1cm thick rectangular roll with your hands; heat the oil in the pan, brand the roll until golden and bulge.
Fold back and forth from side to side. Make the dough evenly greased. Fold it into long strips with a little salt. Roll up from one end to the other. 1 roll into a large thin, thick and uniform patch. Heat the pan and grease it. 1 put it into the noodles and cook over low heat. Turn it over and continue to burn it after about three or four minutes. Turn over the steamed bun in about three minutes to see that the other side of the steamed bun is evenly covered with flowers and you can get out of the pot.
Flour mixing: mix medium and low gluten flour at 1:1. This way you can make a better crust. If you like, you can also add sesame powder, whole wheat flour, whole grain powder and other materials. After mixing the flour, sift it and set aside. Seasoning with salt: add a small amount of salt to the flour to increase the taste of the dough. After adding salt, gently shake the steel basin so that the salt is evenly distributed. You can also add chicken essence or other seasonings according to your own taste.
Soup noodle steamed bun practice, soup noodle steamed bun how to cook delicious, soup noodle steamed bun home
Step to prepare the flour water boil, pour in the right amount of hot water, stir and knead the dough evenly with chopsticks, divide the dough into small agents, roll the skin into a pan and burn the bun into golden dots on the back, turn it over and turn it into a drum bag, the water must be boiled, the steamed bun should not be too hot, the fire can see for yourself.
Hot noodles are mixed with boiling water (about 65 ℃ to 100 ℃), stir while adding water, knead the dough to cool slightly, and then make all kinds of food. The principle is that the gluten is softened by boiling water, and part of the starch is scalded and expanded, which reduces the hardness of the dough, so the higher the water temperature is, the more the boiling water is, the softer the product is, and it has the disadvantages of sticking teeth, hands and work plate.
The way to cook a soft and delicious steamed bun is as follows: hot noodles with boiling water are basically soft and gluten, and the choice of dough is very important: first, blanch the noodles with boiling water, then stir them, and then add the right amount of cold water to stir the noodles into batter. Then live into a smooth dough, this kind of semi-hot noodle pancakes taste good. Knead the dough, put it in a basin, cover it with plastic wrap and wake up for half an hour.
How to make delicious oil bun? the usual home practice of hot noodle oil bun.
Put 200 grams of medium gluten flour into a container and pour in boiling water to mix noodles. Please note that use chopsticks to stir to avoid scalding. When the dough is no longer hot, mix it into a smooth dough by hand. Take 1/3 of the dough, knead it into long strips and press it into thin slices. If the dough is sticky, oil the dough properly. Spread oil evenly on the flakes and sprinkle with a small amount of salt.
Prepare materials and tools for hot noodle oil bun. Boil a pot of boiling water, wait for a minute or two, pour the right amount of flour into the boiling water, stir quickly with chopsticks and form a dough. Pay attention to observe the soft and hard degree of the dough, it is appropriate to moderate. If you want the steamed bun to taste stronger, you can appropriately extend the wake-up time, no more than 35 minutes. Roll the mixed dough into a 1-2 mm thick dough.
Prepare boiled water, clean pots without water, chopsticks, salt, spring onions, five-spice powder, sweet noodle sauce, set aside. Pour the flour into a basin, mix well with salt and five-spice powder, stir with chopsticks while pouring hot water, hot noodles, the water should be added step by step, stir clockwise, until the flour is agglomerated, soft and hard, knead the noodles by hand for about five minutes if necessary.
The practice is as follows: step 1: boil the water, put it for a minute or two, take the right amount of flour, pour the boiling water with chopsticks (if there is iron sand palm, it can be more convenient to use the hand), mix the noodles, soft and hard moderately (that is to say why it is not the reason for the small post). Wake up for no more than 15 minutes (if you like the strong taste, you can wake up for about 35 minutes) step 2: roll noodles 1-2 mm thick, own control.
The practice of hot noodle oil bun
1. Prepare materials and tools for hot noodle oil bun. Boil a pot of boiling water, wait for a minute or two, pour the right amount of flour into the boiling water, stir quickly with chopsticks and form a dough. Pay attention to observe the soft and hard degree of the dough, it is appropriate to moderate. If you want the steamed bun to taste stronger, you can appropriately extend the wake-up time, no more than 35 minutes. Roll the mixed dough into a 1-2 mm thick dough.
2. The common practice of oil bun is as follows: main ingredient: flour. Excipients: salt, spring onions, five-spice powder, sweet noodle sauce. Prepare boiled water, clean pots without water, chopsticks, salt, spring onions, five-spice powder, sweet noodle sauce, set aside.
3. Henan oil bun is as follows: ingredients: flour, water, 2 grams of salt, chopped onions and oil. Add a small spoonful of salt to the noodles and stir well. In the middle of the step noodles, draw a line with chopsticks, half boiled water and noodles, half cold water and noodles, so that the noodles are called semi-hot noodles, and the cake is not hard when it is cold.
Step 1: add a small spoonful of salt to the noodle bowl and stir well. Step 2: divide the flour into two parts, one with boiling water and noodles, the other with cold water, so that the noodles are called semi-hot noodles, and the steamed bun is not hard when it is cool. Step 3: slowly add water while stirring slowly with chopsticks, stir into flocs, and then knead into a soft dough. Step 4: cover with plastic wrap and wake up for half an hour.
The practice of ironing noodles and burning bun
Hot noodles are mixed with boiling water (about 65 ℃ to 100 ℃), stir while adding water, knead the dough to cool slightly, and then make all kinds of food. The principle is that the gluten is softened by boiling water, and part of the starch is scalded and expanded, which reduces the hardness of the dough, so the higher the water temperature is, the more the boiling water is, the softer the product is, and it has the disadvantages of sticking teeth, hands and work plate.
The way to cook a soft and delicious steamed bun is as follows: hot noodles with boiling water are basically soft and gluten, and the choice of dough is very important: first, blanch the noodles with boiling water, then stir them, and then add the right amount of cold water to stir the noodles into batter. Then live into a smooth dough, this kind of semi-hot noodle pancakes taste good. Knead the dough, put it in a basin, cover it with plastic wrap and wake up for half an hour.
Ingredients: right amount of flour, right amount of sweet potato or pumpkin, right amount of stir-fried vegetables. Take the right amount of flour, hot water or no hot water with boiled sweet potatoes or pumpkins, mix with the flour. Add hot water to the noodles and knead the dough constantly, and finally form a dough. Roll it into a very thin crust, put it on the board, and prepare to burn the bun. Prepare to fire, low heat, slowly roll the dough into the pot.
Steamed bun semi-hot noodle method to prepare ingredients: 500 grams of flour, 100 grams of boiled water, 200 grams of cold water, salt basin to add flour, ordinary flour, the flour is divided into two parts with chopsticks, half with boiling water, half with cold water and noodles, water should be slowly added, stirred into flocs, kneaded into smooth dough, let wake up for half an hour.
Pour 200 grams of medium gluten flour into 200 grams of 90 degrees hot water and mix well. Mix into hot noodles and let cool. After ironing noodles to cool, add 100 grams of medium gluten flour, 1 gram of salt, 50 grams of room temperature water, mix into batter, and then add 10 grams of vegetable oil to form soft dough, dough for 1 hour.